Learning a language in your 40’s
“I’ve always wanted to learn French since I was in secondary school but now, I think I’m too old”.
I get this all the time when middle aged clients are making enquiries for their children. I often smile and say, “you’re never too old to learn anything” Research states that as we get older, we require brain stimulation to keep our memory, concentration and improve intelligence.
Learning a language is one activity that can improve all the above. It will take time, but it is achievable. You will need a lot of discipline and determination. Most importantly, be ready to let your guard down and laugh at yourself.
Here are a few tips to start your journey.
Learn how to pronounce the alphabet sounds. It goes a long way in helping with reading and speaking with the right accent!
Download a language learning app. I recommend #duolingo and #italki.
Search for language podcasts. Listening is a major skill that must be mastered.
Ensure you have a plan to visit the country where the language is spoken or at least find a friend with which you can converse with regularly.
So what language are you planning to learn in 2023? French? German? Portuguese? Send us an email : hello@linguatopian.com and let’s put you on our list for February 2023!
Here’s wishing you a Happy New and culturally filled year of 2023!